FlexQube Employee Portrait: Hector

Meet Hector Flores, one of our members of the FlexQube family. Hector is our Mexico Sales Manager for the Northern region. He has been with FlexQube since September 2017, speaks fluent Spanish and English, and is located in Aguascalientes.
So Hector, How long have you been with FlexQube?
I started in mid-September 2017
Why did you choose to be here?
Because it is a company with a great product to offer, a novelty in the market, and with a great future due to constant innovations and product updates. The world is in constant motion and that is how FlexQube does it, adapting every day to the customer requirements.
Is there anything you wish you knew before starting?
Not really, every day is an opportunity to learn from everything around us, wanting to know many things in advance is not always good.
What you do every day?
Every day is a new opportunity to do, know, experience, love. Every day when I get up I thank God for a new dawn and have my family healthy, after a shower to finish waking up I am ready to follow my weekly calendar of work activities. These include calls, trips, video conferences, prospecting of clients, reports, delivery tracking, cart configuration according to the requests of our clients, videos for social networks, calls with my team in Europe, India, the USA, and Mexico. When I have time, I try to go for a walk or ride a bicycle either in my place of residence or wherever I am traveling, spend time with my family in the afternoons, and have a good conversation to maintain effective communication.
Have you surprised yourself during your FlexQube journey?
Yes, quite a lot. I have discovered how to organize my time and do tasks/activities that I did not think I could do, the limits are set by us, always looking ahead and believing in myself has helped me to achieve my goals.
Have you learned something new?
Of course, every day, however small it may seem, from words in another language to activities, new and best practices in the processes, each visit with clients is also an opportunity not only to sell but to learn from them.
Have you thought of something that maybe should have happened when you started – but didn’t?
I really believe that everything has come in due time, we have grown as a company in all aspects, from sales to the number of collaborators and this leads to new things happening.
What is a FlexQube for you?
Let each market work according to the culture, adopting the ways of working, and not having a rigid model.
What do you think is the best thing about working at FlexQube?
The flexibility with which we can not only configure our products but also the flexibility to apply the best working methods, the diversity of cultures and co-workers, despite the distance we feel like a family with brothers and sisters in different countries.
If you could compare FlexQube to a celebrity, who would you choose?
Hehehe, well, it’s difficult but I think it would be like Nelson Mandela, a fervent believer, and fighter for his ideals. FlexQube also has a fervent belief in the shift towards intralogistics of the future with the potential to be modular, robust, and always adapting to new needs.
What have you learned about the culture of another country that you didn’t know before?
Some religion, clothing, and schedules for day-to-day routines.
Finally: Pick a song that describes what it’s like to work for FlexQube!
There would be two: “My way” by Frank Sinatra and “What a wonderful world” by Louis Armstrong