Order for 2.4 MSEK ($260 000) to world leading manufacturer of Heavy Machinery

FlexQube Inc. has received an order for order picker carts to a maker of heavy construction equipment machinery headquartered in USA. The order picker carts will be used at one of the main parts distribution centers the company runs.
The order consists of three different types of order picker carts, aimed at handling the picking operations for slightly different component types. CEO Anders Fogelberg comments:
“Warehouse operations and especially order picker carts for heavy- and bulky parts is a relatively new thing for FlexQube and an order like this is important for our future growth in this segment. The company has previously used one of our main competitors for similar operations and evidently this feels like a great win for us to receive this order.
We also received very good feedback from our customer contact in the process leading up to this order where our customer contact expressed this to us:
“The professionalism of FlexQube along with their dedication to making sure these carts were what we wanted was far superior than any other company I have dealt with so far. So, you truly have a good team and just wanted to express my sincere appreciation to you in making this happen.”
The order will be delivered in Q1, 2020.