Follow-up order worth 280 000 USD from Siemens Mobility in Sacramento

FlexQube receives another order from Siemens Mobility in Sacramento worth more than 2.5 MSEK
As part of the expansion taking place at Siemens Mobility in Sacramento, FlexQube Inc. has received a follow-up order worth 280 000 USD for more material handling carts.
These carts are so-called daughter carts for kitting operations that will be used with FlexQube mother carts delivered earlier to Siemens. Carts are being used to transport different components used for the manufacturing of rail vehicles, locomotives, and light rail trains.
Siemens in Sacramento is one of the largest FlexQube customers to date and the total number of carts in use at the facility from FlexQube now exceeds 800. FlexQube has delivered carts to the Simens Mobility plant since 2017.
Shelf Kit Cart – 700 x 1330 mm – Q-100-2273
Shelf kit cart designed to be used in combination with Q-100-1043 in a mother-daughter system.