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7 September 2015

Letter from the CEO 2014

Anders Fogelberg

Anders Fogelberg


Letter from the CEO 2014

New markets and strong growth!

FlexQube is the world’s first global and flexible concept for internal material handling carts. We introduce our robust concept to the most globalized companies in the world that today use suppliers in an extremely fragmented market of similar equipment. These companies work with global production systems that enforce them to invest in flexible production concepts that can be globalized, hence implemented wherever in the world these companies have plants. FlexQube is the only supplier that meets these criteria and that has the possibility to be a global solution. FlexQube’s standardized building blocks and design process enables this without competition.

FlexQube booth at proMAT in 2012

It has now been 3 years since we introduced the FlexQube concept to the broad market and during 2014 we had a growth of about 100% including our American entity FlexQube Inc. During 2014 a lot of work were spent on infrastructure in order to create a capacity that can handle volumes up to 100 million SEK in sales. This is also the reason for not having a larger growth during 2014. Since our concept was introduced to the market we have been able to grow our customer base at a rapid pace, now including some of the world’s largest industrial companies, and we look forward with great optimism to the future.

FlexQube carts Made in the USA

Our strategy and efforts to focus on these major corporations are starting to show results and we add new major corporations to our list of customers every month. It is also very fun to see the growth in users for our FlexQube Solutions Library™ where many different applications built with the FlexQube® concept as a base serves as inspiration for many project leaders and engineers around the world.

FlexQube carts at a customer

FlexQube CEO Anders Fogelberg

Our positive feedback from customer is highly encouraging, our product is innovative, awarded and competitive. Due to our standardized concept and efficient sales strategy we can deliver profitable operations even at volumes that are very low compared to the sales volumes we anticipate in the coming years and compared to the size of the market. 2015 will be a year when we enter new markets, add more people to our organization and continue to deliver high quality solutions to our broad customer base.

Anders Fogelberg, CEO

Contact us
FlexQube CEO Anders Fogelberg

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